…maybe. OK, so look at my nic. As you guessed, it’s a fetish of mine (not to wear, just to see a girl with them on). Such as these: http://www.bigfeetpjs.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=B&Category_Code=PROD
So, here is my idea, girls. Not sure how practical it is, due to bagginess and other issues. But here goes:
If I were to buy and send the above pair (or similar) to you (and pay whatever fee you deemed fair), would you be able to wear them for four straight days, masturbating at least once each day? You would not wear panties underneath. I like as much staining as possible under the circumstances. Skid marks are perfectly fine as well! 🙂
Also, there would be a dropseat, so you would not get out of them to go #1 or #2. Just undo the buttons.
In reality, I am not able to make an order until late jan/early feb, but the idea has been floating in my mind and I wanted to thow it out there, just out of curiosity as to who would bite. Fantasies are fun, esp to share. :idiot2:
Thanks muchly, girls smt