Still here , now smoke free and well worth a look!

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    For all those that remember my brief head fit last year I’d just like you to know I’m still here , I’m still selling panties and dreams smt
    I also now smoke free!!!!! since New Year and my god its killing me so anyone who was put off by me smoking come and have a look just to convince me it was worth it.
    Also new pics in the galleries {it was a long tome cummin!} I still haven’t found that 20 p :crazy2:


    Well done for kicking the filthy habit Tabitha



    WTG girl & hang in there!!! 😉


    WD Tabitha!
    when my mum gave up years ago she found that twiddling a pen in her hand really helped (habit thing) and also filling a jar with old cigerette butts and water…sounds strange but smelling it when you crave them will make you assosiate the nicotine with a bad smell.

    Really helped her when willpower and the chewing gum didnt


      :X thank you everyone , good advice fetish kitten but I dont think I can bring myself to do it. So far I’ve found cinnamon chewing gum seems to work well, you chew it , it burns the roof of your mouth off , yo can’t even think let alone have a fag .
    One of the psychiatrists at work told me that the craving only lasts for ten seconds so the trick is to do something else until it goes away which means I’ve been jumping on him indoors ALOT!  lmao . I figure its probably better for you than smoking.


    I’ve also updated my members page with some more pics  :angel:


    Tabitha, I quit the habit boxing day 2004 and i have NEVER looked back!

    I am loving my new smoke free life… you will too…. you can do it… just think – are you going to let a little white stick tell you what to do? no!

    Good on you for packing it in – why now bank the money you usually spend on it into a post office 30 day account and in a yrs time you can go out and treat yourself and make it a anniversary celebration and pamper session!!!! not worth it if you got duty free bacci!!!


    fkd very cool idea , I might save it all up for a mammoth pantie expedition !!! and some new toys hehehehhe !!!! I love going in the REALLY grubby shops and freaking out the sales assistants . :X

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