Hi everybody!
I thought I’d share a fun website with you. Its my sisters website. No, she doesnt sell her panties, but I thought I’d post it here because a lot of people would see it.Â
It’s just a lot of fun to visit – great articles, sex tips, all kinds of topics aimed at foxy ladies such as ourselves. There are even sex tips, etc. for the MEN out there! Also, she’s often looking for ladies to contribute articles to her, and I know from talking to some of you that ya’ll would be excellent writers/contributors.
The site is a labor of love for her, and she’s always upgrading it and adding new features (most recently a forum). You can join a mailing list and I believe, get a free pussycat promo kit if you register (its got some fun stuff in it). She’s got members from all over the world, which adds to the flavor!
Have fun with it smt