Used Panties Carts and Alertpay Check Out
As much as most buyers feel that Carts and Check-Outs turn buying used panties into a rather impersonal and ‘Amazon like’ experience, there are suitable adult friendly e-commerce products you could add to your website to sell your used panties. Be aware that a large number of hosts such as Webs, Yola, Weebly, may offer an inbuilt web store and cart, however, those hosts do not allow e-Adult related trading, which means that they are not suitable for your online used panties fetish business.
First you need to find an adult friendly e-commerce product you can add to your website, second, you need to make sure that whatever method of payment your cart provider is affiliated with, its also adult friendly. For example, is a slick looking tool, but sadly it only checks out to Paypal and Google Check-Out which is completely useless. The most convenient way to operate your cart would be by linking it to a popular online method of payment such as Alertpay. An adequate shopping cart solutions for the your used panties business could be, its completely free and their add-on features include Alertpay check outs, different currencies displays, a selection of Buttons and Graphics to suit your website look and fee, and much more. The installation requires some techie skills and external hosting space.
In my opinion, you can sell your used panties by having a simple, tidy up-to-date gallery, listing your prices and method of payments clearly, and ask your buyers to email you and say Hi, but if you must, then a legit cart will also work.