If you use PayPal they will shut down your account and possibly your buyer’s account too. However, they don’t just shut you down they FREEZE you and will charge you a fine for breaking their TOS. You can NEVER join PayPal again under the same name, address or bank details. I personally wouldnt risk it, there is enough information here about not using PayPal and if you insist on using it then it just tells everyone you are not serious about your business.
Sorry to be harsh but I have no idea why all the newbies think they can use PayPal. I’m getting writers cramp from posting the same damn thing all the time. :cheer:
PayPal spies are everywhere, if some buyer asks you to take PayPal, 9 times out of 10 its a trick.  :knuppel2:
Stay away from payment processors that dont accept adult transactions and you will do fine :kiss: