Virtual Kick up the Arse

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  • #13654

    I’ve been going through alot of things recently, things I wont bore you with on here but after months of putting things off and trying to get my act together I’ve had enough.

    No more trying, I’m going to be doing.

    • I need to get a partime job along side my panty selling
      I need to finish paying off my debts
      I need to get my health sorted out
      I need to get a new home
      I want to learn to code and make my own site
      I want to make my blog better
      I want to be able to treat myself and my love occasionally

    To everyone that has helped me this year I say thankyou, and to my friends I say a gentle or hard kick up the arse to remind me of things I was supposed to do is greatly appreciated.  I’ve got alot to make up and finish and I appreciate all the help i’ve already gotten from so many people including Mike, Rachy, Cindy, Anna, David and Sissy Daryl

    I’m off to wade through emails and do a few things that I should have done a long time ago, including something that a friend set up for me ages ago that I forgot about in all my busyness.


    Here you go Fetish…*virtual kick up the bum* you know you can do it, you know it’s just a matter of time so apply yourself girl and achieve what we all know you can do.



    awww thankyou Anna 🙂 smt
    I know that kick up the backside was done with only good thoughts hehe
    And thankyou to the few people that have already sent me emails of support smt


    Best of luck to you hun! 🙂


    Thanks Anjel! smt

    I’m glad you decided to join the community btw :laugh:


    Oh no! I would never kick you in the ass(that’s what we call it here)! I might spank you, though!!!

    You go get ’em, Dear! Sometimes we let things get out of hand in our lives. It’s a good thing you realized things are slipping and you decided to do something about it! You know we’re behind you (a place I enjoy because of the view).



    One thing though, not sure how you can make your blog better, that is one damn fine blog


    Thanks Anna! coming from someone with a blog as wicked as yours thats a huge compliment smt

    but i’d still love to code it all myself 🙁
    and things always need a little work
    something to aim towards 🙂


    Kez the world is your oyster , now go forth and chomp!!!
    If you need any info/ help on the health front give me a shout would be more than happy to assist!

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