Second life?

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  • #14701

    not to sound like and idiot but what is second life? I know it is free to join, and it seems like some kind of chat thing, but i am not sure if i want to join… it looks like allot of work….

    any one here use it? is it worth getting into?


    Quite a few of us use it hun 🙂
    Anyone you see with a green name are involved with SL


    Secondlife is a virtual world,where lots of people come together. When you sign up,you can make your own avatar. You can walk,talk,have sex,basically do anything,even fly! :cheer:
    It’s fun because you get to interract ‘live’ to other people. If you rent a store,now that’s a bit of work and you would have to log into secondlife frequently because the good part of secondlife is that you can actually receive payments instantly. And money funded in your account with pp or ceditcards.
    So let’s say a buyer from here wants to buy your goodies,if he joins or is allready a member he can use pp or creditcards to pay you! Why dont you join first,explore a bit and then decide if you want to rent a store? Like FK said some of us are using them……. :coolsmiley:

    Kinky Kate

    Ahhh, so that’s what the green name means.  I was wondering about that!  🙂 -KK

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