A Goodbye

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  • #15557

    Hello Everyone,

    I have spoken with Cindy about this a few days ago. As everyone knows, I haven’t been around very much. I have been reviewing some things.

    I have decided to politely and quietly leave the panty-selling business. No, there isn’t any big drama behind the scene event, or anything like that. It is simply my choice.

    As of Monday, May 7th, RebelsAnjel blog site will be removed.

    For those of you who would like to send email to me, please do so. I look forward to the continuing friendship 🙂

    While I am on this subject, I wish to thank those of you who have given me your friendship (both sellers and buyers).

    I encourage all of you to stay in contact with me.

    I plan on devoting my time with my photography and will soon have a blog set-up as well for that so everyone can post something 🙂

    Anyhow, I am terrible at goodbyes.

    I thank all of you for the kindess and friendship you have given to me since I first arrived. I have learned alot from everyone here. This is a wonderful site and I hope it continues to provide the excellent service for both sellers and buyers.

    My email is: keywestswank@aol.com


    Anjel smt


    I for one am very shock by this Anjel  😥
    You have been such a wonderful & honest young lady here on PH and on your blog!
    You will be missed very much on PH but i will support your choice to give up but kniow this young lady, you are and always will be very dear to me. And ofcourse i will continue to keep in contact with you.
    :kiss: smt


    Wish ya loads of success Anjel! ( your departure reminds me some of that T.V. program – Touched by an Anjel and at the end of each program,they got another assignment elsewhere )   Your presence here will be missed but,its  fun knowing that  there is an ‘Anjel’ within the world and we have been blessed by having alittle of you here as well!  Thank You!!
     As always,good luck!


    Hey Anjel, omg, I’m shocked, but somehow knew this was coming, you’ve been very quiet lately.
    I hope everthing goes well for you in other areas and you will be missed – I always checked your blog to see what was new!!
    Take care    smt
                  Vicky  xxx


    awww hun i think everyone feels the same here 🙁
    Its your choice and as long as you are happy we will be too.

    I’m definatly keeping in touch :laugh: if ya dont mind 😉


    🙁 I’ll pass by your new blog smt


    You don’t need to be selling to post here. Feel free to still come by when you have a chance.



    Yep, once a pantygirl, always a pantygirl (whether you’re selling or just wearing)

    It’s like The Firm, once you’re in, you can never leave.

    We know too much!


    OH MY GOD I can’t believe it. Oh darling I AM SO SORRY 😥 😥


    Darling you will be missed.    😥


    😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

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