Another farewell

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  • #15705

    Dear all ,
            I know theres going to be some amongst you who thought this had already happened but …. I’m stopping selling panties .
    I have been very quiet recently due to ongoing off hog problems but this was compounded over the weekend by a buyer choosing to threaten me and mine and I’m sorry guys and gals but my family is more important to me than anything else .
    Before you all recoil in horror just to let you know that although I am normally a stickler for confidentiality the emails in question and the ISP number of the gentleman in question have been passed to the appropriate authorities which is why I am not posting his name here .
    :knuppel2: Threats to kill are a criminal offense under UK law be they written or verbal!!
    I also have felt for quite a while that I do not have a sufficently strong self image for this as people seem to find my vulnerable bits just a little too easily  😥
    I will be keeping my blog going and anyone wants to pop by for a chat please feel free because the vast majority of you have been lovely fluffy people who it has been a pleasure and an honor to know and love ! smt
    Right now I’m off to commit hand knitted acts of atrocity and concentrate on my soap making .
    Love and hugs to you all
    The panty fairy has left the building!


    Ooooh god Tabbs!

    What is it with the panty world recently?
    So many girls with threats, verbal or otherwise its awful.
    What an utter arsewipe (to use a Miami-ism)  I hope reporting him gets somewhere will you let us all know?
    I for one am really sorry to see you leave, you are fun, witty, beautiful and a real breath of fresh west country air.

    ALot of the time each of us have poor self image.  I’m no different and I dont know a single woman that doesnt believe at least half the time that they arent as gorgeous as people tell them.  I think you are gorgeous.  So there. 
    Please come back to let us know how things are with you, and keep in touch via email, and chat (you’ve got my yahoo)

    Alot of us will be sorry to see you go.
    smt  smt  smt
    Tabbs you are wonderful and you’ll be missed


    Where do all these NUCKING FUTTERS come from,i think it is disgraceful to threaten a young woman like this and i hope the idiot gets his just desserts.
    I will miss Tabitha as we all will but i found her always very kind with any comments on posts i made and she even likes my jokes.?
    You do what’s best for you and your family but do keep in touch,if you can.
    You are in my ”thoughts ” smt smt smt

    ;)  Jazzy    😉


    I also don’t understand where all these people are coming from that continue to threaten and harass.  Take care of your family and enjoy yourself sweetie.  You will be missed.  smt


    I hope all goes well with you and yours!

    good luck with all you do!!


    Take care and I’m sure we all understand your views!
     I join the gang by saying you will be missed!!
                           smt 🙂


    Who does this idiot think he is? We’re not here to be threatened or abused!!!
    I’m sure it is a great loss to other more considerate and kind panty buyers, Good luck in your other ventures xx



    I’m gutted you are going but I can understand why.

    What is with these keyboard warriors who think they can type vitriol to us girls?  mad

    Let’s hope the twat gets his just desserts.

    You’ll be sorely missed Tabs and I’ll definitely pop by your blog on a regular basis.


    You’ll be sorely missed my darling 😥


    how terrible. sorry, and goodbye.

    Kinky Kate

    Big hugs Tabitha.  So sorry to see you go!  Take care. -Kate


    Tabs, oh my god! i haven’t been on the Hog in a few days and i hadn’t seen this post…. You poor thing.

    HUGS to you…. Babe this is awful. I hope they track him down and make him squirm. What right does any one have to threaten another like that!

    I am so sorry to see you go baby x I am going to send you a PM – i wanna stay in contact with you – fellow crafty nut and all! lol!!!

    Knitting and soap making – i hope they will be as lucrative x i have found some online craft sellers who will be able to get your stuff out there as it were xx

    Love and hugs X
    Poppy x

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