Yes, Panty Hog in Second Life is in the middle of a complete make over that is nearly complete. Sorry, the change over to the new building did require that everyone’s stuff be returned to them for a few hours. However, we did notify
each active store owner individually that this was going to happen. Following the change, we sent out a group notice letting everyone know that they could now put their store out again. part of the change is to make the mall more open so you can pick where you want to put your store. Solange, look in your inventory for “Solange’s panty store” or very similar and drag it out to the ground. You don’t have to worry about sizing it, it will rez exactly as it was, and the size it was before.
Glitter, yes, everyone had their stuff returned to them, and just as you thought, since we are starting fresh, we cleaned out the group list by looking at last log ons. In other words, we didn’t think you used Second Life anymore. If this isn’t the case, just IM Shannon in-world to be put back on the group list and then pull your store out of your inventory in an empty space.
Thanks. 😉