No they are not mainly spammers, those people actually get banned. Many girls come on and post once or twice but if we were to delete them that means that all their posts would go too. There is nothing wrong in having people join and only post once a year or once every 3 years – it is up to them really. Im sure most view the forum offline using a feed, like me – I only log in when I want to but I read everything that is posted via feeddemon offline.
It is not anyone’s job to delete members without their consent and as I said before profiles are far different from the panty girls links list, which we do go through a few times a year.
If anyone notices any broken links in the sellers directory, then please let us know. Profiles are just profiles and to be honest I think PK has better things to do than wade through 6000 of them deciding who should go and who should stay – and that decision should be up to the member her/himself anyway.