Reply To: Re: Is she in it for the money?


You do have to have a certain amount of passion of course, but I also believe that we are all equal, there are no “top sites” as such as everyone is so different.

We may all have Panty Fans but they probably buy from all of us – in fact apart from the odd one or two Im sure that most clients have their little lists and visit us all? :P.? Thats the joy of it, they get to experience all different women and all different scents? 👿

Us 3, me, UKDP and Sharonna have been in the biz a long time – we all had to start somewhere and after a few years with an established site, there is no stopping and it snowballs.

Knowlege is a fine thing about running a panty site, but pure wisdom (experience) is the key element.? Keep at it, dont give up and enjoy every minute of it – I for one wouldnt part with my site for the world – its my life!

Love Cinds? :kiss:


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