Ghosts and nasty emails

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  • #22852

    I’ve had a couple of strange things in my inbox recently…

    1) Dating back to Feb., three cut-and-paste copies of a very long and detailed request from the same guy wanting daily picture sets for a week. They were sent months apart from each other, and he never responds back after the initial email. Maybe because I refused his offer to use paypal? I just got another one yesterday. Weird.

    2) Two hideously natsy comments to my site’s guestbook. One I hastily deleted before checking the poster’s email, the second I still have. What I don’t like is this new one claims to have purchased from me… followed by some very insulting comments. How best to handle this? Ignore it? Respond? Figure it was a 12 year old on daddy’s computer? :huh:

    Thanks, ladies!



    Hmmm, its had difficult one.

    I tend to let them go but always make sure that other sellers are aware of wankers like the ones you described..



    Is there an appropriate place here to post email addreses? I know there is a spot on the Panty Trust forum…


    I have posted a couple on here and i didn’t get in trouble…


    You can post email addresses to warn other sellers providing they aren’t in full and are only identifiable to other sellers who may be able to fill in the gaps should the ‘buyer’ contact them. So maybe post the part before the @ only.


    I agree, everyone should be warned about such people and those that dish the shit should surely be able to handle the consequences.

    By the way, can you get an IP number from that post too? In fact why not copy the lot in a post here including all details and the IP number if you got it.

    You do know that this is most likely another seller? This happens alot. Usually because they are too immature to face you, they are jealous of your success or maybe you offended them for some reason. THey always get theirs in the end – I for one always make sure I deal with any abuse to the utmost level until they crumble and fall.


    I don’t get any info off my guestbook thingy other than the email they leave 🙁 So of course I don’t know if it’s an accurate address.

    In this case, the doucebag left steve6667@a…oh nevermind 😉

    I need to see if there is a way to capture more details from my forms.


    I just posted a long rant about people trying to take advantage of me as a new seller…

    It was suggested i post here…

    basic run down… (the post was long)

    guy starts out nice…

    talks about ordering from me…

    first demands to use pp… i saw no… i do not even have one… (and I dont i hate them)

    i think i have him talked into alertpay…

    then he says he wants me to wear them 7 days and i say i do not want to do that because of hygiene… I agree to 5 but at a extra fee…

    he gets mad saying that as a new seller w/o a fan base I can not do that… i was even nice about explaining health issues and time and he just stops messaging me saying that if it is up to me…

    I know its up to me *grrr* any way… i am trying not to be mean about it…

    but anyway… his id is t_cruise98 (is it ok I say that…)

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