Happy Friday

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  • #23123

    Enjoy the weekend…summer won’t be around much longer.

    🙂 PK


    The weather in the pacific NW is beautiful right now. About 70, sunny, with that smell of autumn in the air… I love this time of year!


    It’s pretty rainy here currently and tomorrows a wash out all day. ( so they say )
    I have some stock reports to go over if that happens plus I have plans to buy a car as I sold my Jeep afew days ago.
    Sunday,looks like a dry day though and I just might give my car a bath and wax job. ( I will swing by here and see what’s going down though – I’m almost sure of that last part! 🙂 – car buying didn’t work out,trying again in afew weeks – ( I’m borrowing a friends old car,so I’m not completely shot out of wheels ) –


    Happy Friday everyone :kiss:

    Our summertime is well and truly over, here. The dark nights have crept in quickly and the cold has me itching to turn the heating on.

    Has it been very quiet on the forums or am I imagining it?


    Mask Man N95

    It’s cooling down, but not enough yet. It rained pretty hard today though. Not a light Seattle rain though. I heavy, sloppy one. Good weather to watch some soccer though.


    Gosh I don’t like it when summer is over and it gets all chilly and I esp. HATE the rain and in England that’s all it ever seems to:(


    Sunny, warm, and dry here in the San Francisco Bay Area. We can count on no rain here for at least another six weeks.

    When the rains do come, the weather is cool, which means no mosquitoes. But it isn’t cold enough for snow, except at high altitudes.

    There is no such thing as bad weather here, I love it! :woohoo:

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