Back from the Apocalypse

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  • #23234

    I just got my electricity back after 16 hours without so if you emailed me last night or this morning, please be patient, I will get back to you. We had a serious windstorm last night and unfortunately I’ve got a hot date with a chainsaw and a tree laying on the back of my house first.



    Lucky chainsaw….

    We had a bit of a mini hurricane here too.. limited damage tho, a few tipped plants and a bunch of loose tiles fell off…

    Mask Man N95

    I’m in PA, and apparently OH got it even worse, but I think we were blacked out from 10p to 2:15a. No bueno.


    Mask Man N95 wrote:

    I’m in PA, and apparently OH got it even worse, but I think we were blacked out from 10p to 2:15a. No bueno.

    Yes, I am in the Cleveland area on the lake and it looks like a tornado went through town but apparently the wind 60 mph+ was just so strong for so long everything finally came loose and went flying. What a mess.

    Serena I don’t know if that “lucky chainsaw” remark was a compliment or a swipe! :ohmy:



    It was a compliment of course!! xx
    mwah 🙂

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