'Hold up a sign'

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  • #25023

    I’m posting this as I have been contacted by an alleged buyer wanting the word jbc4sale written on his verification photos’ sign.
    I had a googlearound and I could not find connections to this jbc4sale, never the less, when one asks you to write 4sale on your pictures, in my opinion its up to no good.

    I won’t be posting the buyer’s details until I have further evidence, but be aware that his email ends in yahoo.ei

    There’s a lot of opportunistic assholes out there who’ll try to cash in on your hard work.
    Protect your content and take no risks!



    Yes, very odd indeed. Why on earth would someone want 4sale on the end? It makes no sense at all.

    What’s wrong with ‘for Steve’ or similar?


    Very suspicious… especially ‘cos he vanished when I said I wouldn’t…..


    Yes, that seems pretty clear to me that he is wanting to use your photos to sell something and if/when he is asked for proof that he is the person in the photos (you), he’ll pull out his photo of you holding the sign with his username on it.

    Is this scumbag here on Panty Hog? I wish technology was advanced enough where I could send a “foot up the ass” to some as I ban them. :angry:



    Hey PK
    He contacted me directly so its hard to say if he’s a PH member…
    I can send you his email if that’s of any good to you?



    This sort of thing always concerns me when someone asks for written proof in the verification photos.

    Do buyers really like this service?

    I feel having to hold a sign when I’m taking photos really kills the mood. Maybe if it’s written on the body it wouldn’t be such a nuisance.

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