Hi all
I need your help.
Yet again, I m finding myself dealing with skanky newbies who have stolen my complete website content.
My site has become pretty popular within the industry which means I often get unwanted attention. My -How to order- page has been copied and pasted more times than I care to remember. I have also found skanks using my photos on their profiles, or even selling them on!!
Even tho I am protected by the Copyrights laws, I don t have the time to check new people’s websites and photos everyday so I m calling out your help.
The deal: I m offering free panties, slave tasks or photo sets to anyone willing to become familiar with my website and keep an eye out for stolen content.
If you are an established seller I m offering a permanent link to your site/profile from my home page. I get around 200 hits a day, so this would mean more traffic and potentially more buyers for you.
Any questions please get in touch.
Thank you everyone, your help is always appreciated xx
Serena xx
This is an example of what you should look out for:
My website http://www.serenassecret.net/ss_order.html
Skank s website http://serenassecret.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/picture-9.png