The problem is that currently people don’t know there is a group chatting unless they pop in to the chat room. To make it worse, members on line who are in the chat room disappear from the “Who’s Online” notice after several minutes. So you may come to Panty Hog and think no members are currently here eventhough there may be several members in the chat room at that time. You’re correct Leatherz in that the chat announcements area was really set up to announce a time and day that you’ll be looking to chat. Cindy’s birthday party was a good example of this. On the other hand, many people just happen in to the chat room, find someone there, start chatting, and it builds to an unplanned party. So I guess I can’t blame Andie for wanting to invite others or at least to make them aware of the fact that they were welcome to join in.
For the time being, I suppose my advice would continue to be that if you like to chat, check out the chat room when you log in to see who’s there. Remember that you can also “troll” the chat room. Since the chat room opens in a popup window, you can log into chat and then resize the window to watch for new chatters while you go about other things. This works even if you leave the Panty Hog site. As long as you don’t close the chat window or disconnect from the internet you’ll remain logged in to chat regardless of what site you are visiting.
Amy 🙂