A Sure Sign That Panty Hog Is Making Waves – We Really Pissed Someone Off.
Oh, the politics of the used panty world. Welcome back all. We apologize if you’ve found Panty Hog slow to use, or impossible to connect to over the past 24-48 hours. Hopefully, you’ll find us stable from here on out. All I’m going to say for the time being on the issue of what happened is that you piss off folks when you blow an old, tired concept out of the water. In simple terms, Keep your panty links, panty banners, panty stories, and panty news articles coming, because you’re not going to find any other service like Panty Hog. Other "community" sites will charge you an arm and a leg to post your stuff, or strangle you with some obscene "link back" rules before they’ll even talk to you. At Panty Hog, we don’t play those games. Any user is welcome to contribute any content of interest to the used panty community, and we’re not going to ask you for anything. We believe that a free and open exchange of information is what the used panty community needs, you’ve told us that you appreciate it, and Panty Hog will continue to provide a free service to our community despite the fact that it ruffles the feathers of a few money-hungry, self-described "pillars" of the used panty world.