My pantie story.

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    I just discovered this website a few short weeks ago and it was good to find other people like my self.I just wanted to share some of my story.I am a straight married male 34years old with 3 children.I have never been into cross dressing.I think back to when I was I’d say 8 or so years old and was going through the lost and found pile at my public pool and found a pair of panties and took them home.Did not know why,but I had to have them.The next time I recall doing such a thing I was at a summer day camp I was 11 or 12 and there was this very pretty girl that everyone liked but she would never have anything to do with me.So one day while she was swimming in the pool I remember thinking well she is not wearing her panties in the pool so I promptly went through her bag and stole her panties.I still didn’t know why I remember I would smell them and get an erection,altough at the time I didn’t know what to do with it.So I have always had this fetish for as long as I can remember.When I was 15 I quite school and went to work for a moving company that my best friends dad owned.And let me tell you we were always moving good looking women.So I was always trying to find their pantie drawer or dirty clothes baskets.I did that for 10 years and of coarse any girlfiends I had long term or short I always ended up with there panties in my pocket.I have since changed jobs and been married for 12 years with 3 children as I mentioned before.I have enjoyed my wife’s panties over the years but after so long and having 3 children they are just not the same(bless her) I take the blame.So I have been on a long pantie drought for a while and was so thankful to have found this website.I had actually be contemplating sneaking in the neighbors house(a bunch of college girls) and stealing their panties.I figured that one would be a hard one to explain if I got caught.”I just wanted your panties”.Anyway I now have a endless supply via internet.Also I have never been able to hold on to the panties very long for fear of them being found.That one would be a hard one to explain to my wife too.Any suggestions?I hope I am not just a complete pervert.I am faithful to my wife I just love women’s panties.(used a must)Am I just a bad person?If anyone reads this thanks for taking the time to do so.I hope you enjoyed it.I would love to become friends with some of you. Thanks!;)Talk to ya soon..


    New here myself really but let me say welcome LDDUDE.  🙂

    That story was a great way to introduce yourself. You ought to put it in the story area of this site too.


    Hello and welcome lddude and knickerlapper!

    I guess you found the source of endless supply of panties. :laugh: You’ll find many honest and wonderful sellers here.

    That was a great story by the way 🙂


    Hi and welcome. For a start liking used panties does not make you a pervert at all – everybody likes something. I think you will really like this forum. Ever thought of getting a po box to have the panties delivered to or a safe address so your wife cannot find them?
    You could always say they came through the post but it was a wrong addres so they were meant for someone else and you just never got round to putting them in the trash.
    Anyway hear me whittling on lol
    If you want to check out my site Id be happy to help you 😉

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