Question about a panty seller

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  • #7756

    I used to visit Sharona Lee’s website once and a while. A month or so ago when I tried her site was gone with just a page saying she was done selling. Today I saw a link for her site and clicked it and there it is. Only now, her site looks like it was copied right from Cindy’s site. Anybody know what this is all about?  :ohmy:


    Really? I’m not seeing it myself, apart from they’re black and purple. Sharona’s site has only been open a little bit, give her some time. Web sites are hefty things to make from scratch.



    Thanks for the reply Jess. She’s been around since 2002. I just wondered why she said she was done then came back with a new site. Just curious, not suggesting anything. Hmm…just my take, I thought her site was very similar to Cindy’s.  🙂


    I can see a little similarity with the colour scheme, some of the features, and the way the panties are shown in boxes as they are…..I’m no web designer (…yet) but how many different ways can you list pics of panties?

    I can see why joe made his post but I don’t see it as a copy.


    Making panty websites is really difficult in regards to making it unique. I do all I can to avoid making my site look like anyone elses but sometimes it just happens. I think it’s because we all need the same kind of stuff on our sites, like new boxes and stuff. The panties box has about 5 ways of presenting that I’ve found. If you just want pics of your panties there’s not many other ways of presenting it other than popping it in a table. I’m coverting back to that set up too, I’ve tried making it different but I can’t  :blush:

    I’ve dumped an awful lot of designs because they looked a little like anothers and I didn’t want to use them. I do love a really unique site though, so much so I’m divorcing my black background! Scary! As a black blackground user I can say that very little other than pink and purple sit well on it. It’s a bit restrictive so most end up the same  :blush:



    She is back??  Fabulous news!  🙂

    I had a look and I have to say that I don’t think it looks like mine.  Our sites used to look similar a while back before she left the panty business but since then I have done a total redesign of my whole site a few weeks ago.  I really cannot see many similarities now.

    Diaries and pictures and links in a table is the main layout for all sites anyway and as Jess said, we are all selling the same thing it is hard to get something very different in the design.

    I am trying to be more unique on my site with stories, chat box, new surprises and auctions.  I have to admit I have had my site copied very severely in the recent past and in comparison Sharonas site is nothing like mine at all.

    Joe if you havent visited my site for a few weeks – go have a look – I think you will see that my site and Sharonas is very different looking since I have done a complete redesign.

    Like Jess said, its better to be different and I hope my new design really does scream “Cindy” and nothing else 🙂

    Love Cindy

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