Panty Trust????

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  • #9356
    Lily Stevens

    I read on this site that they are not taking any new members for July, but are they not responding to emails either. I send my panties, and filled out the online for form a while ago now and I even sent another email trying to confirm they had received m online info. form, but I have not received anything back. With this being a free services, I really don’t want to seem pushy but I am launching my site on Tuesday and would have liked to had that part out of the way.

    So 2 questions, anyone know what is going on with Panty Trust?

    and second, does it affect the chances of your selling your items if you are not verified?

    Thanks in advance ladies,

    Lily Stevens

    Sorry, I also forgot to add that I am looking to exchange banners, or links with as many people as possible. I know that I am new and all, but if you are interested, please just PM your details.

    Lily xoxo…


    When did you start the process?  If you got it started before they stopped taking new members, they should be working on it.  It took a while for them to get mine up and running, so just give it time.


    oh and about selling, I did pretty well before I was verrified, but I sold mostly throguh auctions.  Posting in communities like this one will help you meet people thoguh, and attract buyers.  Also, since you are just starting out you might find bussines is a slow start, it takes a bit to build up a following.  I’m sure the other girs who have site can give you more advise. 

    good luck  🙂


    hi lily 🙂
    im not verified..ive never got round to doing it…and im selling very well, so yes you can stil sell well without being verified


    Hi Lily, welcome to PantyHog.

    Your site looks beautiful.  However, all the text is completely copied from Miami’s site and to be honest with you that discredits you as an honest seller immediately.

    Miami has been around for months now and is well known. If I were you I would rewrite your site to reflect your own words, ideas and personality rather than copy someone elses hard work.

    Good luck!
    Cindy xx

    Lily Stevens

    Thank you ladies for all the replies. I feel much better about the Panty trust situation now.

    Cindy, first let me say hello and thanks for the welcome. Second, I want to add that my site is not due to launch until August 1/06. I forgot about the signature link. Mi and I have been working hard together this last hour to get this done in time and you will see the changes in the text that have already been applied. I do however appreciate your concern. It is good know that there are those out there that will always pick up on these things. I never had any intentions of not being honest, as I pride myself on professionalism which I feel goes hand in hand with honesty.

    Lily xoxo…

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