Reply To: Re: Is she in it for the money?


How about a guy’s point of view? I appreciate what everyone has said. It is fine to put the money that you make selling to good use. You provide a product, and I pay you for that product. Fair enough. On the other hand, I’ve come across sellers who are clearly in it for nothing but the money. Who out here among the panty buyers hasn’t been very disappointed to have spent our hard earned money on a pair of neverworn panties smeared in the crotch with tuna fish oil?

Bottom line is that you have to get some some thrill out of sharing your goods with the buyers, or you won’t get many return buyers. Sorry for the graphic, but for under a dollar, I can grab a pair of panties at Walmart, wipe my ass with them, close my eyes and imagine they’re some lady’s. It’s the fantasy that the seller provides that makes it for us buyers.? O0


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