11" of what?

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  • #23616

    This thing has pitched up on my front door.
    What is it and what do I do?


    Kinda looks like a grasshopper of somekind girl. ( They are fairly harmless to people, so relax and live your life to it’s best – they do ) 😛


    It looks as it has wings… do you know if it flies?
    I have plenty of phobias of things that fly!
    If it doesn’t move away I might have to…


    It looks like it flies – definitely. It will be harmless so don’t worry it can’t hurt you.

    What to do about it though? Dunno.

    You could it ask it very nicely to leave…?


    I agree with PRH, it is a grasshopper but you say it is 11 inches long? That would be a real monster. Over here they are about four inches long and are harmless. They can fly short distances (more like a flight assisted hop), and if you pick it up it might make a mess in your hand of stinky black liquid that resembles tobacco spit.

    If yours is almost a foot long though, it is probably looking to devour small pets and children 😛



    I’m free again!
    We had words, I told him we could not carry on like this, so he moved out.
    Jiminy Seniors now lives on a bush outside my bedroom.

    The little perv!

    Mr E

    An 11 inch grasshopper? :ohmy: That would be a world record! You’d better capture it quick Serena! But are you SURE that it really is 11 inches? Women are notoriously bad at estimating measurements… it comes from years of being told that 15cm = 10 inches!! 😉


    Mr E wrote:

    Women are notoriously bad at estimating measurements… it comes from years of being told that 15cm = 10 inches!! 😉

    Apparently that is why we’re so bad at parking too 😉

    Found this though


    Perhaps there is something special about Italian grasshoppers?


    Nice find Anna 🙂
    Mr E you are quite right, I meant 11 cm which I think is about 5/6″… Still bloody large!
    No chances of me trying to capture it, unless someone is willing to shoot him with horse tranquilliser first…


    You need a grasshopper whisperer



    Somebody tell me how to embed pleeeeeease

    Mr E

    Here you are Anna 🙂



    Anna wrote:

    Somebody tell me how to embed pleeeeeease

    For YouTube use: { youtube}video_id{/youtube}
    For example if the link on your browser displays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdXTDovB9K8 then your video_id is cdXTDovB9K8, that means, again just the number at the end of the link. There should be no spaces between the brackets around “youtube” eventhough one appears above.

    There is a help guide for adding video under the help menu. Or, it is directly located here: https://www.usedpantyportal.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=817&Itemid=154 that explains how to embed video from a number of sources.


    Thank you Mr E :silly:

    Thanks PK. I will remember I will remember I will remember:side:


    Last year was an 11″ long grasshopper, this year is a 24″long lizard.
    I didnt get the chance to photograph the full length, but the tail was disturbingly long.
    Anyways… its hiding under my freezer.. what shall i do :ohmy:

    Serena wrote:

    I’m free again!
    We had words, I told him we could not carry on like this, so he moved out.
    Jiminy Seniors now lives on a bush outside my bedroom.

    The little perv!


    name it.
    lizards are hard to get out, we had one live in our house for 2 years, he ate flys and didnt really do much of anything, i think his name was pepe or something.

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