1st puzzling encounter with a person!

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    Just had my first puzzling encounter with a person on SL! I walked by a person and said Hi. They asked me if I was talking to them and when I replied yes,they gave me back a reply that they were sorry and didn’t think there name was Hi and walked away!  :huh:
        ( Just goes to show ya that SL can sometimes be real life and it makes one really appreciate it whenever they find someone who has aliitle more compassion and understanding in this crazy mixed up world we live in today )


    I had something weird today too…though not quite as strange lol.

    Someone came up to me, said Hi! then Howre you?! Then walked into me, pushing me into a wall, flew around the room, bumped me again, walked into me AGAIN and then said Okay bye!

    weird people out there…


    Ha!  The other night, I was in the PH sandbox.  Some guy appears. I say hello of course, he says hello back, and in the next sentence -  “I just wanna fuck you!”  I said “oh that’s lovely!”  What a nice way to introduce yourself. 

    Before that, I was editing my store..some dude walks up, and says “I’m so horny, do have a webcam? Do you want to watch me on cam?”  Ugh.

    Maybe I’m just in a bad mood, but some people have no “game.”..ha!


    Kitten & I observed some very odd behaviour recently.

    Woman walks up, gets on Kitten’s couch and burbles something about Kitten having “hurt” her,”whips” etc.

    She then just stays there for about 5 minutes and then burbles about being whipped again.

    All without so much as a by your leave. 

    Kitten & I were both convinced she was he in real life. It was the lack of any basic manners that made it most odd/offputting etc.




    I guess I’m used to encountering weirdness in this line of work, but being in SL seems to have added to the mix of craziness.  I should have expected it I suppose.  :kiss:


    A French guy sent me a Linden dollar (just the one), jumped on my sex chair and asked what he was going to get…….so I accepted the dollar and ran away…hahaha…I bought some lovely shoes



    ha ha..that’s awesome!  :laugh:


    At freebie haven some stranger sent me a box. when I opened it to see what it was it was a selection of black blood haha.  Yesterday a guy came onto my house and started bombing everything – I said “what the f*ck are you doing?” he said “Im batman” .. I replied, no you are “banned man, asshole” and ejected him and Jack popped him on ban list hahaa

    Its quite unbelievable the amount of twats that use SL, and almost all of the ones that I have a problem with are the ones that have no payment info on file and literally just join up to cause trouble.  Thankfully there are many wonderful people on there too which makes the place so addictive 🙂


    How can you tell if someone has payment info on file?

    If you eject someone, can they come right back?

    I assume you have to have shannon/pk ban them permanently from our parcel?


    If you go to their profile you can see instantly when they joined and if they dont bother signing up with payment info.  Yes they can come back if you eject them but its funny to do it anyway.

    Jack has bought his own land now so he can ban anyone instantly on his parcel.  I am not sure if we have rights to ban people from Panty Hog Parcel area or not, you will need to check with Shannon 🙂

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