holla! I stopped by the mall today, even though outside is in a sad state of affairs, and bought 4 new panties. I would have bought more, but I spent a little extra on these lovelies. Each are mixtures of silky, lacey and meshy. I think they are my best panties yet. Very sexy and soft. I can’t wait to wear them. May is going to be my month of sultry panties. lol.
Check ‘um out.
Also, I’m working on a redesign of my website. I know, I know. I just dropped a new design. Well, girls and guys, the more you get to know me the sooner you find out how completely fickle I am. Especially when it comes to something that is supposed to reflect who I am.
I’ll post about that when the new design is ready.
peace in the middle east! smt