A FUN way to help with hurricane relief

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  • #4158

    Boobs For Burbon Street


    These folks had the extremely clever idea of having ladies send in pictures of their ta-ta’s, then charging the guys to see them, with  proceeds donated to hurricane relief efforts.

    A charity effort we can all get into!  bb



    I would be extremely careful of who you give your money to for charity. Who knows, these people might be on the level, but there have been many news reports of con artists taking advantage of people wanting to help the relief effort. If a donation location isn’t a government approved non-profit organization, they are under no obligation to turn all or any money over to charity. The website may give a little of the funds to charity and keep the rest.

    Why not donate directly to the Red Cross or Salvation Army and then go and enjoy the photos at panty hog and the sites of the girls who advertise here instead?? smt That way, you’ll know for a fact all your money went to where you wanted it, and you’ll have viewing pleasure too.


    You make a good point andie, buit I had a look at that link from Cherie and it looks like you have a choice to make a donation to a few organsiations, the Redcross is just one of them and the others do look like legitimate relief organsiations.

    You then forward a copy of the email you get from say the Redcross to the site admin to prove you have donated and then you get access to the photos.

    Looks like a nice way to donate, but as you say andie, always check the sites you are donating to  B)


    Thank you for the link to that interesting site Cherie, and to Andie and Leatherz for adding the required disclaimer before I had a chance to.? :cheer:

    Good job in checking out the site in more detail Leatherz. Are you trying to take over Panty Cop’s job?? :laugh: Whatever happened to the Panty Cop anyway? His/her first post caused some heated discussion, but I hope they didn’t get scared away.

    smt Amy

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