A site I found

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  • #23132

    A while back on a diff site I go to someone was asking about call transfer things… So you could give out a number without people knowing your real phone number… I forget what it was exactly they were asking but it got me thinking.

    I remember this site… It is called Night flirt. I used to use the sister site of this called Keen.

    I used to read cards over the phone…

    but i digress…

    this site dose a charge by the minute thing… you give them your number and they give you a number to give out… You set the price per min and such… I looked through the site and they even have a panty category…

    I know at keen at least they used to let you give away free mins. I would post auctions for calls and give the winner a pass for the free mins they won and such… I am not yet sure if you can do that at this site, but i did join and am planning on looking into that…

    I was not sure if anyone else was interested in something like this, but I thought I would pass it along

    I have not set up a profile there yet, or even an add… I JUST joined… so I am still checking it out…

    that is the link…


    There have been a few sellers who used Niteflirt regularly

    Another seller who changed her name several times (can’t remember any of them)
    – all retired now I think.

    …and probably some others. The sellers listed used Niteflirt for online domination as well as straightforward sex calls which is what Niteflirt is known for – bear that in mind, most callers will expect some dirty talk which is fine if you are okay with that but if not, you may be offended.


    I have been on Niteflirt for about a year now, listed at http://www.niteflirt.com/ms+nina

    Anna is right when she says most callers will expect dirty talk if you don’t clearly state what you are willing to talk about etc
    And even if, there will still be jerks who completely ignore that and call anyway to – well… be jerks LOL

    But yeah anyway, feel free to send a message here or there if you have any questions and make sure to check out the community forums over there, too. Tons of answers for any newbie question can also be found there.

    Good luck and loads of fun!

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