Alert pay, mups salescenter, po box, web site…

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  • #27128

    Hi, all!
    Hope everyone’s doing well.
    I have some questions…
    Firstly, how do I get a PO box?
    I want to set up my alert pay account and finish my sales center registration on mups now that the hack seems to be under control, but I doubt the po box will be in my exact zip so I can’t fill out that info until I get one, I think.
    Also, how do you name your businesses on alert pay? Are they so okay with the panty thing you can call it whatever you like, or should it be kind of vague to avoid trouble?
    I have no desire to pay for a website when I’m already trying to find the money to even have panty trust…do I even really need a site, will I get better results with one or is it best to just stick with mups and panty hog? If I should get a site I know most if not all of the free hosting sites like wordpress don’t like it and will freeze you, are there free alternatives to fancy sites you have to pay people to make that are totally okay with this?
    Sorry, I know this is a lot of questions, it seems like the more I research the more questions I have!
    Thanks in advance,
    Panty Layne


    Hi PantyLayne,

    Don’t worry about having lots of questions, we’re all here to help and it’s great to know that you are doing your research.

    I’m going to PM you.



    Hi! I’m new in this business, and some of the questions that PantyLane did I have them too.

    Is it really necessary to have a personal site? Although it’s obvious that I’d have more hits if I had a site, it’s a must to sell used panties?

    – Another question about Alert Pay… Is there any way to hide Alert Pay’s information (full name, even the country…) when doing a transaction?

    – And a personal question; I’ve seen a lot of sites are from UK, will be a problem if I’m somewhere outside UK but still Europe?

    I decided to reply this thread, but maybe it’s better to create my own topic. Thank you for reading!


    Hello Lucy,

    It isn’t necessary to have a personal site to sell panties although many sellers eventually do set up at least a blog site. The best way to get started selling is to join My Used Panty Store – start listing some items for sale there.

    Alertpay has an account that protects your personal information. Please see Serena’s column by clicking here http:/// for an explanation of how to put it in place.

    It doesn’t matter where you live, while many buyers and sellers are located in the USA and UK, many, many of them are not. We have sellers and buyers from all over the world on Panty Hog and on My Used Panty Store.




    I second the joining MUPS idea: it is really the best way I think, with the majority of its sellers treating you in the right way. Those that don’t have a very short life on MUPS. I fuly recommend the site.

    As for personal sites, I never look at them. Some of the sellers I regularly buy from have personal sites, but I prefer conducting everything through MUPS. Whilst everyone is different, for me a personal site makes little difference.

    With AlertPay, I am sure you can conduct things so that your real name remains private – It is actually really important. Worth remembering this also when sending emails to buyers – set-up an email account that does not have your real name in it.

    Hope that this helps


    hi all. Im very much in the same boat. Im.just getting started and its almost overwhelming trying to figure it out. Im in the us and i know better than use papal but Im not sure what to go thru? I’ve started my application with panty trust, it seems like it will be helpful in starting with this… i plan on signing up on mups later today if i can manage. but there’s so much Im unsure of still. what are good starting prices?

    i really appreciate any/all help :laugh:


    i dont buy on auctions i prefer websites
    i think its possible to start a free webite or blog with panty trust you will get help
    abot the prices but you can look at the advice place here


    hey kittenocalypse – mups is a fantastic place for selling panties and has an amazing friendly community, if you need any help getting set on mups send me a message – i am also a moderator on mups and can guide you through the whole process


    Hi Kittenocalypse!
    I’m Thaikitty, Panty Trust member and volunteer and moderator here on Panty Hog, glad to help you.
    Alan4panties1 and roscogsxr gave you great suggestions! If you need help about prices, shipment, packing and so on, please feel free to contact me at I am temporarily in Thailand and time is quite tight, but I will surely help you for any questions 🙂

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