AlertPay Users- Please read this

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  • #25280

    Tulula wrote:

    I think I agree.. They have such a choke hold on so many online markets right now!! I have regular… clothing sales for c/ds and new fetish wear on ebay and now that has been shot to hell because of them (my kosher biz)… I did’t even link one biz to the other… but the little shits of pp.. farreted out.. Oh well! (my fault I left a link on one auction to my fetish kosher site and that was enough for pp to shut my account for ‘non-compliance’ It was just a Link an Ad!! Not a logo or a suggestion that I even accept PP for payment )

    Jeez, I didn’t know Paypal were that keen? So because you have an adult business they shut down your vanilla business? Or was it because of the link? I suppose they could think that you left the link deliberately as a way to circumnavigate their policies, a sort of secret sign to your panty buyers. Wow.


    annilyn sweety,you can punch me any day,. although i’m not the one at punch!!:woohoo:


    They didn’t explain they just sent a generic letter saying that all accounts under my name and address are shut down and left a link to my adult site which has no refernce to sales or pp or store.. its just a personal naughty site with kinda adult pictures (all the real naughty stuff is under lock and key..)

    But I am over it! I am working on Alertpay… have a merchant account for the other biz… Going to make sure both are totally seperate… no links, names or email accounts, but till alertpay is up and running it is nothing but gift cards, hidden cash and the like, but if you ladies find other methods for payment acceptance that are on the up and up then let me know! Nothing sketchy for this girl! …


    That’s probably how you got your PP shut:


    Serena wrote:

    That’s probably how you got your PP shut:

    WTF? Why does it say ebanned on MUPS?



    I’d never punch you RR, but I will give you a firm, digital whack on the rear. 😉


    Monday, April 20, 2009

    Credit Card Update

    We happy to announce that our credit card processing functionality will resume again in a few days. We are currently performing integration testing and pending the outcome, we should be active in a few days. That’s it for now. We’ll have more info for you when we go live.

    We have a lot more features coming out in the next few weeks. Stay tuned.
    Posted by AlertPay_Ferhan at 9:30 PM


    Visa Card Processing is Up and Running Again

    We are happy to announce that starting today we will be processing Visa card payments again. Mastercard and AmEx are next in line, so please bear with us. To ensure full compliance with association rules, we will be changing some of our terms and practices in the coming weeks. We will keep you updated.

    On another note, you will soon have the option of getting billed in your local credit card currency if your card is denominated in CAD, EUR or GBP. In the past, you could only be billed in USD. However, with this new arrangement, we can process credit card payments in an additional three currencies.

    Here’s how this benefits you: No more additional foreign exchange fees on your credit card statement, saving you lots of money!

    Thank you once again for your patience during this transition.


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