Hi everyone…I got up and checked for answers to my contest and saw that MIKE is the WINNER!!! YAY MIKE!!! smt Ok…just briefly…thank you to all who participated in this contest…if you didn’t get a chance to do so don’t worry…MORE exciting (probably less questions LOL) contests will soon follow in the coming months ahead…so please keeping checking back on my blog…you NEVER know what is going to happen or WHAT I will be doing NEXT! LOL!!! Also don’t forget that I am still auctioning off my panties (CHEAPER than on my blog)…so CHECK THAT out as well (now that I am panty-trust verified, you guys should KNOW my shit is good LOL! lmao lmao LOL!!!) Mike…kick me an email baby with your addy so I can send you YOUR PRIZE!!! Congrats babe!!! 🙂