Hello, fellow panty fans, I’m a repeat buyer from Ann at annspanties.com. My first purchase was back in 2003. Four years later, she’s still sharing her love with all of us guys. That in itself should be a sufficient review, but I know, you want details. Ann has a wonderful personal touch. She’s good with email, and I always get a sexy note from her with my panty order. This time I also requested a nude photo and it was wonderful, just what I asked for.
If you want a review of the stranger kinks that Ann might offer, I’m not the guy to ask. I’m looking for the best substitute for having my face between a sexy woman’s legs, as I warm her up for a good session of lovemaking. I want the smell of sweet, fresh pussy, and that’s what Ann has given me, both times. I order vacuum-sealed panties whenever I can, and Ann offers this choice. This second pair of panties I received was a bit light on the bouquet. But while I love a strong pair of panties, I’ve ordered a few from other women which are not just strong, but a bit “raunchy” for my nose. Ann’s lovely smell is right for me, and I expect that some day soon she will be hearing from me again.