I’ve just introduced a new item, my “juicy play glove” – it’s a surgical-type glove which doesn’t absorb the pussy-juices.? ? Not exactly bottled cum, but close.? ?;)
(And it’s guaranteed to arrive wet or I’ll replace it free? :kiss:)
I also offer “cum-kerchiefs” which are saturated with nothing but pussy juice.? If you like a sweet girl-cum scent with no ass or sweat, these’re perfect.? Also great to take to work, hehehe!
I would do puss-pops, but it’s so hot & humid here that they melt in the mail, lol!? Maybe I’ll try again next winter.
But actually, I expect most of us panty-girls would be happy to satisfy any request we can.? ? :cheer:
p.s.? BTW, if anybody’s interested in sweaty things, I’m making plenty of it right now in the sweltering florida heat, whew!