Appearance question

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  • #11651

    Can someone tell me why I still have a black face despite spending hours messing about with how pale I am or how ruddy I am?

    I managed to change my neck colour but not my face!



    You mean a your skin tone is that of a person of African descent or it is blacked out as in you can’t see it? There are some boxes of free stuff at the front door. One is skins. You can right click on this box, click “Buy” and the contents will go into your inventory. You’ll see that you now have several skins to choose from. Just drag the different skins onto yourself to try them out.

    When were you in? We were looking for you  :ohmy: today! Hopefully I’ll run into you and can show you around and look at your face.

    😉 PK


    The skins box wasnt working yesterday…Shannon and I tried yesterday but it was still glitchy.

    If you are black faced while editing its another bug.
    Was happening yesterday to.


    Well there are either lots of glitches or I’m doing something wrong but I’m not impressed at all. I’m stuck at the beginning where there is a sign saying ‘Changing your appearance’ and two portraits, one male and one female. I’ve followed the instructions and can’t transfer the female appearance folder to my avatar.

    Everything I do takes a few seconds to appear on screen, that’s if it works at all – it’s very frustrating.

    I’ve got a black face and no clothes on and I’m fed up :angry:


    Hey Anna…Are you in there at the moment?
    I’ll come in and see what i can do.
    You can STILL go to the PH place even if you havent finished building your character.
    Just go to search, type in panty and at the top should be the Panty Hog icon.
    Click on it then click teleport.
    Let me know and i can meet you in there and see if i can help


    Yep am doing as you suggested but it is taking a….g…e…s, I don’t think my PC can handle this programme actually.



    I had to download a shite load of updates for my drivers just to get it to run Anna…
    My comp isnt that great but its just about works.
    Have you concidered updating your graphics card online? Or seeing if you are totally up to date with your drivers? Sometimes the comp and game wont tell you that you need to.
    I’ll jump into the game in 5 and hopefully see you in PH *hugs*


    I would have no idea how to update all of that. I’m not a gamer at all  :unsure:

    PS Been searching for PH now for 10 mins 😥


    If you type just panty into the search it will come up as number 1 and number 2
    if it doesnt then the game is messing around 🙁


    Hmmmm whos captain JackDaniels….?


    Dangit, I was really excited to try it I’m wondering if I’ll have the same problems. Glitches make me nutso.

    I do have a relatively new PC though, so maybe all will be OK :) 

    Problems aside, this sure does sound like it will be a great time! I’ve never heard of such a thing..I may never leave my home (or PC) again, LOL.  :laugh:


    Yes Anna, let us now when you are in and one of us will come and find you! if you need an update, such as the latest version of Quicktime, a window will pop up and Ask you if it is okay to download.

    As far as search, I’m happy to report that when you search for Panty or used panty, Panty Hog SL is the first or sometimes second result. However, those that have downloaded the Second Life software can just click here:
    secondlife://Bonghwang/2/89/65/ or follow the link in the new SL store link section to go directly to Panty Hog.

    Molly, stay excited and come on in. If your computer was built in the last several years you’ll be fine.

    As FetishKitten said, don’t worry about fooling around at the newbie training grounds. Once your avatar has appeared, come to Panty Hog and pick up some clothes and such there.

    😉 PK


    I don’t get it PK, when I click on those links you provide I just get the SL home page.

    If I enter via my desktop shortcut I’m still running around Orientation Island half naked. Everything there is time consuming, slow and unresponsive.

    Nothing asks me to upgrade it. I’ve analysed my comp and I don’t need to defragment or anything so it can’t be my PC just being slow and unmaintained.


    Okay Anna can you go in now? I will send you an invitation to teleport to meet me. If you click yes, it will bring you to Panty Hog.

    When you click the link you’ll go to the SL log-in page first. Just click connect and it will log you in and take you to the map showing Panty Hog, click “teleport” and you are there.


    Teleport?  Wow. Wicked neat.

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