Auction Feedback

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  • #10564
    Kinky Kate

    Just a question (or two)that’s been bothering me:

    Why is it that customers of the auctions are reluctant to leave the sellers feedback?  I’ve had good feedback so far from all my customers of the Auctions by way of email or IM, but when I ask them to leave me feedback at the Auctions, only 2 have done so.  This is rather frustrating, since I always leave feedback for buyers as soon as I receive their payment.  Is it just me or an overall trend with all sellers in the Auctions??

    Also, I have gone to some trouble to offer up items for sale in my Panty Mall store and/or in the auctions because I’ve had several buyers ask me to do so because they are interested in that particular item(s), some several times, checking on my progress weekly even. However, now that I’ve found & offered what they were asking for, suddenly they vanish.  What’s with that?!:unsure: -Kinky Kate


    I think it’s a male thing.

    You know the old scenario where you sleep with a guy and he disappears never to call you or write to you…it’s the same thing perhaps? They’ve got what they wanted, enjoyed you thanks very much but they are not going to write to you!! Bye bye

    Panty version – He’s got your panties, enjoyed himself and then thay’s it, he’s ‘had you’.

    Also have you ever had a guy chase you and chase you until you say you’ll date him and then he disappears because it was the chase he enjoyed the whole time?

    Panty version – he asks for certain panties, you say you have them but he’s gone off the boil now.

    …..or perhaps that’s just happened to me??



    Hey, I`m always willing to leave feedback on my wins Whether it be my favorite seller of not  😉 Feedback to me is very important when i`m looking at a auction seller, the better the feedback the more i get  jo thinking about there knickers  :laugh:

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