Bad! Shit! Crappy! Rip Off! Unfriendly! Uncooperative Hosting!

Welcome to My Used Panty Portal! Forums Used Panty Related Discussion Ripoff Warnings Bad! Shit! Crappy! Rip Off! Unfriendly! Uncooperative Hosting!

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  • #2533

    I wasnt going to post this but after the last and final fuck-up that these guys are now making and are now totally ignoring my emails then sod it – both barrells!

    As many of you know I was having major problems with my (previous) hosting company.? I would pay to have my domain renewed, and they wouldnt bother.? I was receiving emails from Nominet saying I have to pay 80 pounds to renew because my hosting company didnt bother, despite me paying them WAY in advance for renewal!!!

    All Emails I sent them were continously being igored and I had to chase up each one at least twice.? I even had to hunt for their telephone number because it was getting so bad!!!

    Then I was being slammed for using too much bandwidth and server space when this had been formerly agreed.? I had about 6 sites listed with them and they refused to come to some sort of agreement and ended up just taking more and more and more of my hard earned money – basically they bled my dry.

    Their comment: quote – you are on the first page of google so you should be able to afford it – unquote. Just how rude is THAT!!!!

    These crap guys are called “BIGNAMES” … they are owned by a company called NEXUS.

    They have a load of drivel on their front page about how wonderful they are and how other companies rip you off – THEY are the rip-offs… plus my site was down ALOT too!!

    Why I decided to post now?? I had one last site to be changed over from them to my new hosting company … do you think they are co-operating here .. no, not at all.? I have sent no less than 3 emails in the last 2 weeks asking for the TAG to be changed to my new company .. all my emails are being completely ignored!!!

    So if you want SHIT HOSTING go to BIGNAMES (owned by NEXUS)!!! mad

    fu ….Fuck u right back “BIG KNOBS” and you can keep my old domain name if you really love it so much – I don’t need it anyway!!

    … Have a great day everyone – my, do I feel better for that!? :cheer:
    I just hope no-one else will be ripped off by these greedy tossers!

    ..PK …please feel free to edit my post accordingly if you feel I have overstepped the forum rules. Thank you!? xxxx


    Holy shit! Cindy that’s the same hosting mob that I’m having bother with!!

    Not as bad as your problems with them, but I’m trying to transfer a domain out from them, went through all the paperwork and got confirmation from registration companies involved that it would transfer .. 3 weeks ago! and I’m still waiting on the TAG being changed too!!!? mad

    As you say they seem to have went downhill since being taken over, the previous guys were really helpful and pretty prompt with emails etc.

    I can’t believe how crass their comment to you of ‘you’re on first page of google so you can afford it’ is!!? I guess that shows their main driver is simply profit rather than service!

    Big hint .. look after customers, they are your business!!


    Dear Cindy,i hear what you are saying,but how do you REALLY feel!!!!!

    Go get them girl,i wouldn’t like to be in their shoes.

    You are a tough pussy cat when you are angry,if you need help the boys are all here-behind you.? mad

    :laugh:? ?JAZZY? ? :laugh:


    hehehe Jazzy well to be honest I think I vented most of my frustration out now.? Bottling it up and then they continue to ignore me made me blow, and I felt I had to warn others.

    Jazzy …. you have been with me a long, long time and you know that I never usually use the *F* word – so that is proof in itself that they really crossed me this time.  And thank you  …. its nice to know that “the boys” are behind me – Im not one to start blabbing about people, but when I think its more than justified then Ill let rip!

    …Hey H_D … I didnt know you were with them too!!! How weird is that!?! – trouble is they target online chat/meet up communities with good deals and once they get you in the door they change all the rules!!!!? Shame that they got taken over by Nexus – before then they were really brilliant!


    You have my sympathy hun! I’ve had problems with companies as well and I know how frustrtaing it can be, especially as there is rarely a ‘real’ person you can scream at! I hope you get everything sorted my sweet!

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