Brand New items available

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  • #25284

    Evening everyone,

    I have been up and running for two approximately two weeks now and the website is sorted! There are also a lot of new items to buy – thongs, knickers, tights etc.

    In my first two weeks I have had two very happy customers and hope I can continue to offer the best service I can! I am really enjoying my new hobby and love all of the attention! 😉

    I’d love everyone to have a look!

    Nikki xx

    P.S. Thanks to everyone who has made me feel welcome here! x


    Whats the deal with this profile being banned?


    What profile being banned?! Does it say I’ve been banned?!

    KG x


    We have received a number of complaints from Panty Trust verified sellers advising us that the site linked to Knicker Girl is associating Panty Trust with “ripoff”. Although we appreciate being Panty Trust verified is not for everyone, we will not send traffic to anyone who makes such ridiculous claims.
    This is why this account is banned.


    I assume when new girls think panty trust is a “ripoff” what it really means is that they are looking to make quick money without much effort. I understand this isn’t always true, but it says a lot about the girl.

    Panty trust is an invaluable and integral part of the panty community just like panty hog.

    I don’t want to live in a world where panty trust doesn’t exist. 🙂


    Hmm. Banned profile but still able to post?


    It has been fixed.



    Note; to all new sellers.
    do some homework before you sit your exam here.

    just a thought;)

    Jazzy :dry:

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