American girls may also want to consider Lunarpages. Their basic plan, which costs $7.95/mo when paid 1 year in advance (it’s something like $9.95 if you pay by the month), includes 3000kb of storage and 40g bandwidth, and they have all kinds of bells-N-whistles (eg. php, MySQL, built-in cgi scripts, 1/2 doz stats analysis tools, a pile of auto-install scripts for stuff like shopping carts and content managment progs..)
They allow adult sites: according to their customer service you can be “as adult as is allowed in the state of California.” Which basically means no kids, animals, or extreme violence (in a sexual context. Obviously if you want to make a movie about serial killers or something in California that’s ok)
I’ve had a few glitches, and their tech support has always been quick & reliable; although I would say they’re more abrupt than polite. And in the 5 months I’ve been with them I have had zero server downtime.
The only drawback I’ve encountered is that they do not allow thumbnail galleries in free/public areas of your site (they say it’s a bandwidth issue); if you have a subscription area, pay-to-view galleries, or just require folks to register you can use them but in the open access areas of your site you need to present your pics some other way.