Ive just found on wikipedia, the definition of a cameltoe…( with the help of bigtuna!) and thought you might like to see the alternative names it listed…it amused me!! :cheer:
Moose Knuckle
Beetle hood (Brazilian term referring to VW’s car hood)
Vemaguette’s hood (another kind of car hood in Brazil)
Ninja Slipper (see tabi.)
Catcher’s Mitt (bending over from behind)
Clit-splitter (referring to very tight jeans)
Muffin, referring to the shape
Fasolo (derived from Sicilian slang)
Burger, referring to a hamburger viewed from the side.
Fractal Attractor
Deer Foot, popularized by Oakland rapper Keak da Sneak
Split Lip
Mandlebrot Muffin
Veggie, or Vaginal Wedgie (pulled up knickers)
Beaver Cleaver (Canadian origin)
Street Taco (view of a filled taco shell from above)
Thunderpaw, referring to a very large camel toe
Vertical smile
El Gato- El Sapo (Colombia)
Pig’s Trotter – East London
Lard Chasm (usually on a fat woman)
Pandorca (Puerto Rico)