Please post your ideas for categories that should be included in this year’s Golden Panty Awards. General ideas and suggestions regarding the awards are welcome too!
My old suggestion for a seperate section dedicated to the hard working auctions girls. A lot over on eBare are amazing women that deserve a pat on the back even though they don’t have personal sites.
I noticed in the rules that the nominee for best panty girl has to be selling for over a year. That means only a handful are eligible to enter (as far as I know). There have been lots of new sellers (yes, me included) who aren’t eligible. How about:
Best Newcomer?
Best Site?
Best Auction?
Best Direct(?) ?(what I mean is some girls sell with no site, no auction but by yahoo group, or through the Panty Mall or direct through email)
Then overall Best Panty Seller from those 3 methods?
 Ok, how about best web site ( for those that have them ),
 best personality, best following, or best overall features including the best photo gallery or pic in the gallery here! Yes/No/ Maybe < think about it >
             PRH :coolsmiley:
The contest couldn’t be complete without a category for longest running used panty scam. We all know who would wrap that one up. Believe it or not these fuckers still have the nerve to have their web site up!
Also what about that jackass who posted here before? I can’t remember his user name here but because of him I think you need an award for Worse Use of Fish Oil in a Nonfood Item
Read my blog for the latest news on cheats, scams, and rippoffs!! :coolsmiley:
Golden Panty Awards.
Is it not time for nominations.
If we have more categories then obviously we would create more winners.
Personality,pictures,web-sites etc.
Pantydeal is an awesame marketplace, where over 30.000 buyers and sellers of used panties find together! All are welcome! The Site has so much to offer to members. It is really the best website to […]