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  • #24858

    Ive noticed a large influx of new sellers recently, a lot of them spouting the pay-pal for your protection bs. and Ive told at least 4 of them with in the past week to check out the info here, most are respectful and grateful for help.
    then there is the one every now and again that just pushes my buttons and refuses to change her message or is rude. so what do you do when you encounter these people?:angry:
    is it acceptable to report them or would this be a bit of a tart move?
    should i stop trying to inform new sellers and just let them fend for themselves?
    i guess where im going with this is, is it pointless to tell some one who may not be around in a month that they should maybe read some info about selling?
    just a little fed up. :huh:


    Personally I wouldn’t bother wasting my time. New sellers who haven’t researched properly and use Paypal are usually just in it because they think that panty selling is quick and easy money, and therefore they don’t usually last long anyway. There is enough information on here for them, so let them make their own mistakes if they don’t read it or choose to ignore it.


    kudos to you summeres
    but a complete waste of your time!
    the only time i’d get involved its when the seller is panty trust verified as the might loose their seals
    As far as the rest goes , they’ ll all get caught eventually :ohmy:



    Yep. A complete waste of time.

    Don’t bother.

    The good sellers will find out if they do their research properly. The lazy ones will pack it when they don’t make a million dollars in one month of announcing their arrival.

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