Dreaming of Panties

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  • #20613

    This is sort of a random question, but does anyone else dream about panties?

    I had a really hot dream last night where there was some sort of a panty contest and us girls were paired up with panty boys running around this mall trying to find the sexiest panties!

    Does anyone else dream of panties?


    i have to say i have but then that is probably as i have spent so much time working on my site lol

    sam xxx


    I recently dreamed I lived on a houseboat and it sank and while i was watching it sink I was standing there in the parking lot (yes, a parking lot) in my panties… Does that count?

    :laugh: 😛 :woohoo:


    YourFootGirl wrote:

    I had a really hot dream last night where there was some sort of a panty contest and us girls were paired up with panty boys running around this mall trying to find the sexiest panties!

    Someone has been eating too much chocolate!


    My dream,no fantasy would be to see every girl on Panty Hog all in one big store.
    for example- KFU- Knickers For You.
    Each girl would have their own counter with a wide range of all their merchandise on sale to purchase.
    My ultimate joy would be to visit Cindy’s counter and meet face to face for the first time,although we’ve been friends for years.
    See anything you like Jazzy
    It all looks great but my ideal pleasure would be blue satin if you had them.
    Well you are in luck,that’s what i’m wearing today,like to see.
    Yes Please.
    We enter a small cubicle in the back and Cindy shows me her blue satin knickers.
    Wow!!! they look great.
    I’ll take them off and wrap them for you shall i.
    Yes please,shall i leave while you undress.
    Of course not,this is your bonus so to speak.
    The day i dream about.

    😉 Jazzy 😉

    just a thought.:)


    How about a shopping channel on late night television.
    Knickers For You.
    Every girl on Panty Hog would each get 15 minutes to discuss or even model her products.
    I obviously would be the programme producer,just so as to be fair to all the girls.

    Too many dreams……best keep of the cheese late at night.:laugh:

    just a thought:)

    😉 Jazzy;)


    While i am on the subject of dreams,i slept like a log last night

    I woke up in the fireplace:laugh:

    the old ones are best:P

    best wishes to all

    😉 Jazzy;)


    jazzy wrote:

    My dream,no fantasy would be to see every girl on Panty Hog all in one big store.
    for example- KFU- Knickers For You.
    Each girl would have their own counter with a wide range of all their merchandise on sale to purchase.
    My ultimate joy would be to visit Cindy’s counter and meet face to face for the first time,although we’ve been friends for years.
    See anything you like Jazzy
    It all looks great but my ideal pleasure would be blue satin if you had them.
    Well you are in luck,that’s what i’m wearing today,like to see.
    Yes Please.
    We enter a small cubicle in the back and Cindy shows me her blue satin knickers.
    Wow!!! they look great.
    I’ll take them off and wrap them for you shall i.
    Yes please,shall i leave while you undress.
    Of course not,this is your bonus so to speak.
    The day i dream about.

    😉 Jazzy 😉

    just a thought.:)

    I almost passed on this one. ( don’t know the why’s ) It gave me alittle grin reading though it! 😛
    Late night television gave me a grin too!
    -( I think the ratings would go right through the roof ):woohoo:

    Take care

    * yes,I have been known to have some wild dreams/thoughts myself sometimes!

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