Has anyone here ever sniffed an ET panty? Some years ago I sometimes sat in on group of UFO freaks who used to have home meetings to discus the phenomenon. I became special friends with the leader an artist(painter) and engaged in hours of discussion several days per week. I learned about the buzz over SEmjase, spaceship captain from our neighbours in The Pleiades. However she was choosy ; only ONE guy allegedly got to do her, reportedly.Anyway I eventually became friendly with a hybrid ET lady (Mang dozens of ET hybrids , if not thousands mingkle with us daily and live here. After Jesus was an ET hybrid)and we e-mailed . I won’t give out details but she seems to be well known. She cut me off ehrn I asked for a 3-day pantie, saying she had a partner already. We resumed sometime thereafter . She cut me off again when i asked if her mother species had anything to do with abductions. WOW I stick to earth women esp P/HOG/ MUPS from now on> they are sexier anyway than most ET depictions I’ve seen anyway. Just asking.