Fetishes- What's legal?

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  • #13455

    I have a question regardling what’s technically “legal” to sell in the US.  I know some sellers offer special fetish panties (like pee’d in panties, etc.) but I have always been cloudy on what is actually legal to sell.  Anyone know?  I’d love to list some common fetish requests on my site but I  don’t want to get myself in any unecessary trouble  :police:  Anyone know?


    Not sure really…saw on HBO once where a hooker outside of Trump Casino was getting big bucks for her fecies and pee LOL


    I think it more depend on local laws than national. You need to check your local laws and the buyers need to check theirs. Sorry to seem vague but I’ve seen many discussions about this and that always seems to be the conclusion.



    In most places both UK and USA it is illegal to send faecal matter and human waste through the post.  But alot of girls do it anyway.
    I’m not sure what the fines are like but i think most post offices turn a blind eye to it unless it directly starts affecting them or the notice it and know who is doing it


    Oh shit I didn’t realise that. LOL! :laugh: lmao

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