So I got panic room on DVD the other day. It is an ok film, about a 6 or 7 out of 10. But when it gets to the bit in the film where Jodie Foster takes a pee the film shot up to an 11 out of 10. Don’t know what it is I like about seeing a women peeing but it is one of the sexist things I have seen. So I was wondering if there are any other films out there that are not out right kinky but have a small bit of kink in it.
The only one i can think of is a few.
1) Jeepers creepers. The beginning you get to see the lead female peeing in public.
2) Panic room. Jodie Foster take a pee.
3) Tiggerland. The 2 Lady’s peeing after sex.
I am sure there is more, and before someone says it yes I know it is only acting.