I finally added my basic code template on my sellers help page on my website. You have to click on used items and them click on info and then selling help…or just use this link, lol.
http://annispanties.com/selling.php to read the full article
or http://annispanties.com/basiccode.html for the code.
I will be working on the rest on and off and will let you girls know right here when I’m done with each.
The basic code explains some css and layout design with divs and a ton of really basic css and html, so if you are above all that, then you’re not missing anything.
If you have no idea what css is, then get your ass over there and learn. 🙂
Let me know by email or on my forum if you have any questions about what I have written or if you are having a problem implementing my code.
If you have basic questions or even intermediate questions about css, html or very basic php, feel free to ask me about that, too.
BTW, congrats to all the nominees for this years panty awards!!!
smt smt smt smt smt smt