Four Directory Listings Suspended

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  • #20068

    I have suspended four directory listings from the panty seller directory due to noncompliance with the new link back policy for inclusion in the directory. Since a listing can not be submitted without the person checking the box that they agree with the policy, no one should miss that this is a requirement.

    For close to five years, Panty Hog never required any link back, and still does not for anything other than inclusion in the directory. I will be checking new additions when they appear, and suspending those that ignore this. This new policy was added to help keep our directory filled with working links only, and because while many users linked back to Panty Hog voluntarily, I noticed over the years that some people who posted info regarding their sales here regularly had huge banners for obscure, barely active resources on their front page, but never mentioned Panty Hog. Those that have been here awhile know my feelings regarding required link backs, but I hope most will agree that the new policy is quite fair.

    There are some new banners in the banner area and suggestions for text links to give a choice. Plus, you can even use the new Panty Hog badge found in your profile edit area. This badge displays your profile pic and links directly to your profile.

    If I’m way off base on this, post your thoughts and ideas here so it can be discussed by all.

    :unsure: PK


    PK Well i think its a bloody good idea for every one that lists in the directory to link back to PH via there stie or blog.After all its only fair isn`t it?
    I did try to paste my badge here but it wouldn`t have it 🙁 oh well


    Sounds more then fair PK!

    Where is the banner area tho? :blush:


    Go to “Edit/view” your profile, then click “Edit” top left hand side and choose “edit your profile” And then your see your badge listed under “Panty Hog Badge” Then all you have to do is copy and paste to your blog/site 😉


    That’s where the badge is Mike, not the banners.

    The banner area is here:

    You can access it from the page where you register by clicking on the red underlined words in the following:

    I agree to [color=#FF0000]the link back requirement for directory inclusion.[/color]

    We’ve already discussed this PK so you know that I think all sellers who take advantage of Panty Hog should link very clearly back to Panty Hog.

    It’s the least any of us can do for you :kiss:

    PS Seriously nice banners and buttons. I’ll have to update.

    Ruby Red

    I agree that it’s more than fair to have a link back. After all, Panty Hog is a one-stop shop and does so much, if not everything :kiss: , for the panty community.

    I’ve had the old banner posted on my web (will have to update) and a text link on my blog…I will try to add a widget with the banner if I can 🙂

    Err, I haven’t tinkered with the badge yet…can I arrest panty offenders? :silly:

    Deputy Drawers reporting for duty 😛


    Anna wrote:

    That’s where the badge is Mike, not the banners.

    The banner area is here:

    You can access it from the page where you register by clicking on the red underlined words in the following:

    I agree to [color=#FF0000]the link back requirement for directory inclusion.[/color]

    We’ve already discussed this PK so you know that I think all sellers who take advantage of Panty Hog should link very clearly back to Panty Hog.

    It’s the least any of us can do for you :kiss:

    PS Seriously nice banners and buttons. I’ll have to update.

    OPS! 🙁


    Thanks everyone. Please note too that ladies listing their sites and blogs should be in the panty seller directory. The resource area is for resources/services of interest to the used panty community.



    Ruby Red wrote:

    Err, I haven’t tinkered with the badge yet…can I arrest panty offenders? :silly:

    Deputy Drawers reporting for duty 😛


    Have a karma for that one Miss Ruby


    One from me too Rubs!
    Thanks Anna, found the banner and will be re-placing it on me link page.



    As i have no idea what this is all about i think i will leave it to you.
    We must allow the management what to allow and what not allow.
    As the weary traveller said; ”i rest my case”
    Keep up the good work.:)

    just a thought :dry:

    😉 Jazzy 😉


    There seem to be a growing number of sellers signing up for the directory without a link back to the Hog…

    PK, is there anything we could do to remind them?



    Serena wrote:

    There seem to be a growing number of sellers signing up for the directory without a link back to the Hog…

    PK, is there anything we could do to remind them?


    Remind them?

    They should just be deleted.

    Who has time to explain to stupid people about linking back etiquette?


    Oh, I agree with Anna, they don’t need to be reminded when they have to specifically tick a box agreeing to link back.

    It’s just annoying that they think they can get free advertising. No one knows anything about web etiquette anymore :angry:



    I have no problem with giving any panty related site or service free advertising. Actually, I started Panty Hog specifically so that anyone with something of interest to the community could share it without worrying about having to pay a fee or clutter their site with links. Those that have been around Panty Hog for awhile know that I never asked anyone ever to link back to Panty Hog until just last month when I updated the site, and this link back is only asked for from listings in the directory. I would like to think that if a person found Panty Hog useful, that they’d suggest others check it out anyway. The reason why after several years I ask for this now is simply because I was seeing people in the directory putting big ads on their sites for places I know full well aren’t sending them many if any “hits”, meanwhile the counter for their ad here was showing a thousand plus. Frankly, I think my time is better spent working on speeding up the site, helping members with questions, etc. instead of playing dad and chasing down people about the link back. There is no possible way to submit the form without clicking, and therefore seeing, the link back requirement. It is disappointing when it is ignored.


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