There seem to be a growing number of sellers signing up for the directory without a link back to the Hog…
PK, is there anything we could do to remind them?
It seems that new sellers can`t read or cannot be bothered to check about the conditions for listing on the seller`s Directory! :angry: Gee its so simple, all that’s is asked is that they link back to PH from there own site and that’s so easy to do after all.
Maybe all new listing should be put on a pending list and checked out before they are approved?
I wrote to a couple of them, all of who apologies and will add our link.
they also explained that they didn’t see/understand the requirement.
So maybe it needs to be made more clear?
I wrote to a couple of them, all of who apologies and will add our link.
they also explained that they didn’t see/understand the requirement.
So maybe it needs to be made more clear?
Thank you for doing that Serena. 🙂
Currently it says in bold font: “If you would like your listing to appear in the directory, a link back to Panty Hog is required.“
I will make it larger and in color to see if it helps.
Pantydeal is an awesame marketplace, where over 30.000 buyers and sellers of used panties find together! All are welcome! The Site has so much to offer to members. It is really the best website to […]