Fresh panties… right?

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  • #21561

    When I first started selling, I had prepared an order while waiting for payment (which never came) – so it sat, wrapped, in my room for a few days before I decided to give up.

    When I unwrapped the panties… I didnt think they smelled as good as when I took them off. The plastic and lack of air seemed to make a different odor. I then began wrapping in wax paper, thinking it would be better to have dry panties that smelled great (like they were lifted from the laundry basket) than damp, slightly strange smelling ones.

    So… is it just me?? Does anyone else think plastic makes a weird smell? I’d love to hear opinions from both more experienced sellers and panty connoisseurs.

    Thank you! :kiss:


    good question! i never really thought about that as i seal them and send them straight off, i will have to but a pair i have worn in a bag for a couple of days and then smell them myself

    sam xxx


    Why not deliver them in person,
    save all that packaging.B)

    just a thought:laugh:



    I think that it depends on the bag, I got some vacuum sealer bags that smelt so strongly that they tainted the panties (yes, I did a road test!). So off I went to the stationary shop, and got lots of funny looks as I sniffed all the bags, lol!! I now use (unscented!) zip lock bags inside a thick vacuum sealed bag, and this works fine, everyone says that they arrive fresh and sweet. I think that air dries out the scent, especially over a few days (try smelling a pair of panties that have been in the laundry basket for a few days, the scent is much lighter and fainter than when they are first taken off), so I would always prefer to use airtight plastic bags. In my experience, most guys like them to arrive moist too. Interesting topic though. I spent months experimenting before I found my best way to package my panties!

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