Fun Contest begins later tonight on my blog

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    I will post the First photo of a seller  :laugh: just before i hit the sack tonight, thats in about 2-3 hours. Then i will continue to post more photo`s every night at around the same time, until all have been shown. Each photo have been re-named with a number so that any referance of who sent the photo is removed  😉
    As i have said before, this is just a fun contest to see how well your know the sellers. There are no prizes to be won. At the end i will post who is in each photo with a link back to there website/blog and then if you didn`t know who they were you can go and check them out
    So all i can say now is…………Enjoy and have fun with your guesses!


    Well Photo`s one and two are up and i`ve had some guesses, but i wont reveal who is who until all those that have entered have been shown  😉 Got to keep you all guessing and wondering haven`t i  :laugh:
    At the moment i`m posting a new photo at around 11pm (GMT) each day so keep checking around that time.


    How many photos will there be total?


    At the moment i have 5 who have entered. Some who had expressed an intrest in my fun contest, still have to send me there photo. So at the moment, it looks like Friday  🙁 will be the last day, unless more enter. Once all have been shown, i will reveal who`s photo is who and i think there will be a few surprise`s as to who has taken part  😉

    Oh just had a crazy thought! i wonder if PK will have ago at guessing?? how well dose he know the sellers  😉


    It’s a lot harder than i thought it would be!


    Well i have now finished the fun contest on my blog  :laugh:
    To see who was who, go look at my blog  😉

    I would like to thank ALL the lovely ladies that sent me there photo`s, Now that was a joy when they send in More than one for me to choose from  jo it was really fun to do. I hope all had a great time trying to guess who was who.

    With how well this one went, i may do another fun contest at a later day, i have an idea for one already  :laugh: but i`ll keep it under my hat for the time being


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